Monday, September 21, 2009

earth tree

this was originally a sketch from college that i never really finished that i painted recently. i still don't really know what to make of it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

'the beauty'

this is an imitation of 'the beauty' by Tim Nguyen ( it doesn't really look anything like it..mine looks more like a pissed off devil girl.

forest of jewels

so i didn't mean for this to be so many colors, but i got carried away. i was experimenting with different shapes and learning how to express depth (which is so hard btw!) it's the first piece i was actually kind of proud of.

From the beginning

this is one of my first heather brown-ish style pieces.
I used some kind of expensive black acrylic pen on top of regular acrylic paint on canvas.
It's suppose to be of Hanauma Bay...

Friday, September 18, 2009


it's finally friday. i shall actually post something soon. not that anyone is following.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"you ready to let the dogs out?"

i finally decided, in case i become a super famous artist someday, that i should record my work. i'm still new at this and i still haven't found my style that i am content with but here we go...
